Friday, October 30, 2009

Soooo Looong...

Accountability has a tendency to suck. As soon as you let people know what's going on, they want to continue to be informed! Imagine that!

Anyway, I weighed in on October 14th at 265.8 which was a loss of 5.8 pounds. I made sure to eat all my points and let me tell ya, that's really hard. I don't know how I got to be so big because I don't eat that much. I'm trying to get into a better routine about eating at certain times every day. I'll let you know how that works out.

I also weighed in on October 21st at 265.4 which was a loss of another .2 pounds. I guess losing is losing no matter how big or small. As long as it's going in the right direction. Right?

To make matters interesting, I went on a cruise with my mom to the Bahamas for four days. I will comment more on the cruise itself in my other blog,, but for now I will tell you about the food.

It was kinda unexciting. I really don't think I ate massive proportions because the food wasn't really that good. It was ok, but not like people have said. I wasn't impressed. Also, I don't drink alcohol so I don't think I wasted a bunch of points on drinks...but if I did drink, one shot of rum has only 2 points in it. Big Whup. I don't think I ate all my points everyday, so there may be some weight gain from that.

The thing that may have sabotaged my recent weight loss is the fact that mom and I slept an average of 11 hours everyday! We did not get up to exercise, even though I brought my clothes and found the workout room before I even looked for our restaurant. We just slept and slept. When we got up, we laid by the pool. After that we ate something. Then, to really cap off the day, we went to bed between 9:30 and 10.

To be honest, it was the best vacation I ever had and it will be worth every pound I may possible gain from it.

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