Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I need to be committed...

Albert Einstein said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different outcome.

By that definition, I am crazier than a bed bug!

Ever since I started WW, I have lost and gained the same 5 pounds. The first week I lost it, and I was so excited! I got my 5 lb star sticker and I was pumped. The next week I gained it back. Determined to make this work, I was really dilligent the next week...lost 5 lbs again, got another star sticker. Then I stopped eating all my points and stopped going to the gym and went on a cruise, blah, blah, blah. At the same time, I had one week were I was really good about the gym and another week where I had swine flu. 5 pounds lost again.

Obviously, I am not working the program. I had to do some serious soul searching to make sure this is really what I wanted to do and was ready to work at it. I know that many thin, atheletic people look at fat people like me and think, "Just stop eating already! Get off the couch and work out or something." Well, just like quitting smoking, losing weight is a real struggle. It isn't what goes in your mouth that makes you fat, it's what goes on in your head.

So, after some searching of the soul, I found that I really am ready to make this work. I'm tired of being fat and of having body parts ache all the time. I don't want to worry about being "old" before my time. I certainly don't want to entertain the idea of diabetes or a heart attack. So, what do I do now?

I get committed, and not to a mental institution...although, I really could use the rest. I need to get committed to myself. Many would look at this as a New Year's Resolution list, but I can't keep a resolution past noon on the 1st. So, I dedcided to just make a list of things I am committed to doing.

Here's my list:
· Go to the gym 6 days a week and ride the elliptical for at least 30 minutes.
· Record everything I eat.
· Drink 64 oz of water a day.
· Eat breakfast everyday.

But I also have a list of things I commit NOT to do:
· Drinking regular soda before my water is consumed.
· Sleeping...I work 9 hours at night and sleep is essential, but I don't always take advantage of the time to do it.

And, on a more personal note, I commit to:
· Read something uplifting a day
· Say my prayers on my knees every day. I can be more successful at anything if I invite God on the journey.

I have printed this list out and signed and dated it. I hung it up in my medicine cabinet where I will see it several times a day. So far, I have consumed 40 oz. of water and been to the gym and had 2 hard boiled eggs. Woo Hoo!

And now I am heading back to bed for a nice nap.